Warranty Service Request
Your workmanship warranty addresses the fit, finish and materials used in the construction of your home and provides protection against defects throughout the warranty term. An overview of the items covered by your workmanship warranty is illustrated below. For additional information about your warranty, please review the Construction Performance Guidelines section in your warranty booklet.
As an enhancement to your warranty program, we have also enrolled your home in the Front Line Warranty Service (FLWS) program, administered by 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty. FLWS will be the point of contact for all of your warranty service requests.
To submit warranty service requests, please login below to your homeowner portal. If you are a first time user, select the “sign up here” button. Once you have signed in, click “Service Requests” to submit your warranty requests.
Emergency Warranty Request
If you experience an emergency warranty service situation as defined below, please notify 2-10 HBW and contact the appropriate contractor below:
Please Note, if you contact the emergency subcontractors with anything other than an EMERGENCY issue, you as the homeowner will be charged for the service.
A plumbing leak that requires the entire water supply to be shut off.
Total Loss of Water - (Check with your water company to determine if there is a general outage in your area)
A drain back up.
Contact: John Becker | TEXT (not call) 636-206-9106
Total loss of electricity - this does not include individual switches or outlets this is for the entire house - (Check with the utility company prior to reporting)
Electrical problem that is a fire hazard or a source of danger such as a hot wire that is exposed
Contact: MK Electric | 636-698-4737
Total loss of heating or air conditioning during extreme weather conditions.
Contact: Hoff Heating & A/C | 636-388-4141 (M-F 7:30am-5pm) | 636-694-5000 (After Hours)